Free template for Astro 2.0 + Tailwind CSS

AstroWind: Production-ready. Suitable for Startups, Small Business, Sass Websites, Professional Portfolios, Marketing Websites, Landing Pages & Blogs.

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What services do we provide?

We offer a wide range of website templates that suit various industries and purposes such as business, portfolio, e-commerce, blog, etc.

Download and Installation Instructions

Offer clear instructions on how to download the purchased templates and install them on various website platforms or content management systems.

Demo and Previews

Provide interactive demos and previews that allow customers to see how their chosen template will look and function before making a purchase.

Technical Support

Providing customer support for any technical issues related to the templates or their implementation.

Main features of our templates

Possess several key characteristics to effectively cater to the needs of startups and entrepreneurs.

Modern and Professional Design

Have a contemporary design that reflects current design trends and gives a professional impression.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

Adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices to ensure a consistent experience.


Easily customizable, allowing users to adapt the design, colors, typography, and content to match their brand identity.

Fast Loading Times

Optimized for speed to ensure a smooth user experience and favorable search engine rankings.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Incorporate SEO best practices in template structure and code to improve visibility in search engine results.


The templates work seamlessly across various content management systems and website builders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are landing page templates?

Landing page templates are pre-designed web page layouts that are specifically created to serve as a foundation for building effective landing pages. These templates are designed to capture the attention of visitors and guide them towards a specific action or goal, such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading a resource.

Why should I use a template?

Some of the advantages are that they provide a ready-to-use structure, saving you significant time. Are designed with user-friendliness in mind and provide a cost-effective alternative, saving you money while still delivering a quality result.

Can I preview templates before buying?

Yes, the templates allow you to preview them before making a purchase. There is a "Demo" button associated with each template.

Do I need technical skills to use a template?

Advanced technical skills are not required to use a template, but having a basic understanding of web navigation and familiarity with using online tools can still be beneficial. If you have more specific customization needs, you might need to consult guides or reach out to customer support for assistance.

Can I use the template on multiple websites?

No, the template comes with a single-use license, meaning you can use the template on one website or project only. Using the template on additional websites would require purchasing additional licenses.

What if I need help with customization?

The templates provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide that walk you through the customization process. If you still have doubts, you can reach out to our customer support team. They can answer your questions, provide guidance on customization, and address any issues you're facing.

Astro +
Tailwind CSS

Be very surprised by these huge fake numbers you are seeing on this page. Don't waste more time! :P

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